--- Day 4: Giant Squid ---
I've only watched episode one of Squid Game, no spoilers please...
Part 1
I feel like this just took me too long to get all of the moving parts to cooperate, but once I had everything lined up, returned from the bakery with my daughter (and some fresh donuts) I was able to finish it easily enough.
This took me a lot longer that I'd like to admit to finish. I actually wrapped this up on day 6 even thought I had a viable Python solution on day 4. My big takeaways are that in Go, a lot of the things I take from granted simply do not exist.
Want to check for equality between two slices? (of slices of slices...) => write a function
Want to count a specific value in a slice? => write a function
Want to remove an element from a slice by element? => you guessed it, write a function.
Here's a funny bit my friend John sent me to (I assume) brighten my spirits:
this isssssss
a story of a girrrrl
who tried to cry and drown the whole world, but she got caught up having to write her own cry function
Part 2
I banged my head against this for too long. I ended up re-using most of part 1, which also caused me to go back and refactor part one because I ignored a few edge cases (two boards receiving a bingo on the same turn, namely). I also made the mistake of trying to assign an in place operator (list.remove()) which generated a heap of nonetypes that I had to track down.
See part 1 :).
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