Aaron's Page

This is where I post about what I'm working on.

--- Day 16: Packet Decoder ---


Whatcha got there, numbers?

one art please

Part 1


This one was a reading challenge more than anything else, but it was also a good use case for my to try recursive programming. I had always been somewhat resistant to this concept because outside of calculating the fibbionaci sequence, I couldn't grasp any real world examples.

This one clicked and I was able to pull it off fairly easily.


Still catching up

Part 2


This one was a fairly straight forward adaptation of my part 1. Just make it track the value of literals and perform the operations. The problem was that I had a reading comprehension issue. I swallowed my pride and asked reddit for help and thankfully a user spotted my reading error setting up for the problem and it was very easy to fix.

I like these binary puzzles that don't require bitwise.


We'll see.

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