Aaron's Page

This is where I post about what I'm working on.

--- Day 13: Transparent Origami ---


Do not attempt to fold the paper, but the will of the paper.

one art please

Part 1


Again, I sort of didn't read all the way to the intended answer and just started coding. Again, it worked out ok. From the beginning I started working on a folding agorithm using list slicing and pythons ability to easily reverse the order of lists to facilitate folds.

>>>> t = [[".",",","#"],["#", ".", "."],[".", ".", "."],[".",",","#"],["#", ".", "."]]
>>> # the position of our symmetrical y fold
>>> yfoldat = 2
>>> # the top of our paper
>>> top = t[:yfoldat]
>>> # the bottom, reversed to facilitate the "fold up"
>>> bottom = t[yfoldat + 1:][::-1]
>>> # a quick set of loops to move the "#" from the bottom into the top
>>> for y in range(len(bottom)):
	for x in range(len(bottom[y])):
		if bottom[y][x] == "#":
			top[y][x] = "#"
>>> top
[['#', ',', '#'], ['#', '.', '#']]

The xfold is a little more compilcated because you need to using list slicing to get halve the inner lists of the multi dimensional list, but it wasn't that bad.


Still catching up

Part 2


The part that tripped me up was that the data was one less row than it needed to be if you definied it by the maximum y value. This was because the folds all needed to be symmetrical, and that required a length 1 longer than the initial as definined by my logic from part 1. After that, the "text" became readable.


We'll see.

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