Aaron's Page

This is where I post about what I'm working on.

--- Day 10: Syntax Scoring ---


Syntax error in your favor, go directly to SyntaxError jail.

one art please

Part 1


I saw the sample input and immediately got a bit of PTSD from an Edabit problem I got hung up on for days while learning Python. Thankfully, I've grown a lot since then in my knowledge of data structures, which helped a lot here.

This one ended up being relatively smooth and straight forward.


Still catching up

Part 2


The main gotcha for me on this one was my calculations for the score and then not properly reading what was expected for an answer. I was beating my head against a wall for 10 minutes or so returning the sum of scores, rather than the middlemost score like they were actually asking for...

A very simple adaptation from my part 1 solve, though, since all of the part 1 logic could be used to filter out the "Corrupt" values which left us with incomplete values. Based on the wording, I assumed all other values were incomplete, but I still put a logic check in just to make sure.


We'll see.

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